There are two sure signs that Spring has arrived in the Grand Valley. Pillars of smoke rising across the fields and the piles of stuff at the curb awaiting pick up in the annual Spring Cleanup. With one, there is a guarantee that some fool will burn on a windy day and set at the bare minimum an out building on fire. With the other, there is hope.
Hope, you say. Yes, there are some that wander the city for two weeks in advance perusing the piles and searching for that great find. So far, I have only seen one person this year that slammed on the brakes and fish-tailed to a stop in order to scavenge one person’s junk to make it their prize. However, there is still another full week for them to dig around and find that treasure.
Over the years I have known one person that has furnished their entire living room off refurbished curb trash. Another will stock up and sell enough money to go on vacation through their e-bay account. But this year, it appears they may strike out.
At this time the piles in my travels have been lacking. Of course there is a ton of yard waste, it is one of the reasons for the annual clean up. This year seems there is a run on beds. In a mile long section along Orchard Ave. it seemed there were more beds in the street than in the homes I passed.
So, I ask you Grand Junction, what is in your pile?